Amy Karle: Emerging Technology and Art
Talk & Conversation with the Artist
CAP Kuwait Theater & Online
Contemporary Art Platform Kuwait | CAP Kuwait
Industrial Shuwaikh, Block 2, Street 28 Kuwait
17 November 2022

Amy Karle: Emerging Technology and Art
Talk & Conversation with the Artist
Amy Karle is an internationally established ultra-contemporary artist working at the intersection of humanity x technology. Her work opens future visions of how technology could be utilized to support and enhance humanity.
In this artist-led discussion, Amy will present her work while illuminating how she leverages the body and exponential technologies (including biotech, 3D printing, AI, Neutral Networking, Blockchain, BCIs) as tools for generating possibilities; engaging in new ways of creating art; and to reveal larger, more fundamental questions of the impacts of such technologies on ourselves and the future. We will discuss ideas presented, hopes and potentials, pitfalls, ethics, and ideas moving forward. All are welcome to join this inspiration session for free.
Karle’s artwork can be seen in the related exhibition, more information at: