Ligaments Dress

Ligaments Dress

3 2016-Amy-Karle-Internal-Collection-dress-based-on-ligaments-04 2016-Amy-Karle-Internal-Collection-dress-based-on-ligaments-02 2016-Amy-Karle-Internal-Collection-dress-based-on-ligaments-01...
Breathe Dress

Breathe Dress

BREATHE 2016 3 BREATHEAmy Karle2016 “The “Breathe” dress in the Internal Collection of garments based on anatomy has special significance. Based on lungs, this piece was inspired by Lisa Iannone, my close friend from childhood who was (at the time) fighting...
IMPRINT Public Art

IMPRINT Public Art

IMPRINT 2022 3 IMPRINT2022Public Art IMPRINT is a public artwork by Artist Amy Karle that explores the complexity of humanity, from our DNA code to the big picture of what makes us who we are cast into the architectural facade of a medical school building....